Monday, June 23, 2008

Movie Reiview: Get Smart

Tonight I saw this movie with some friends who are way too young to have watched the TV show. They loved every minute of the movie. It was great from start to finish.

This was certainly my kind of flick. I love comedies and I grew up on a steady diet of the Get Smart TV show. It was like watching a new extended episode. My attention was glued to the screen the whole time. The story line made sense and had some good action and a lot of comedy. There were also several one political one-liners that you would have to enjoy regardless of your party affiliation. Both Democrats and Republicans got slammed a little. It was kind of subtle at times. You kind of have to know they were doing it.

The language and activity in this movie was reasonably clean; especially for a PG-13 movie. There were a couple of innuendos and foul words. However, by today's standards, this could have easily been rated PG.

I give this film a strong thumbs up. I'm already anxiously hoping for a sequel. The cast was terrific. I hope everybody comes back for another installment.

Thanks for reading,


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