Thursday, June 12, 2008

Spiritual Goals: What Paths Do I Need To Clear?

Some thoughts I journaled tonight at Starbucks about goals for my spiritual life. This is stuff I'm going to evaluate over the next few days/weeks/months:

  • Hebrews 12:1 "...Let us strip off every weight that slows us down..."
  1. --What is distracting me from my calling?
  2. --What is using my resources that should be used for God?
  3. --What am I doing that can be enhanced by adding a ministry element to it?
  • "...especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress..."
  1. Where am I missing the mark (standard) God has set for me?
  2. What are my sins of omission?
  3. What are my sins of commission?
  • "...and let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us."
  1. Am I on a detour from God's calling on my life?


(The answer to this question will clarify the path I need to mark out - Hebrews 12:13)

(The bullet point above is where I'll spend a lot of time in the days to come)

  • Hebrews 12:2 "We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from start to finish..."

A thought I've had a few times recently is that I am completely incapable of being like Christ on my own. It's kind of like water is incapable of having color on its own. It, exactly like us, is either contaminated or enhanced by what it contains.

Keeping my eyes on Jesus, truly investing my life in his, will allow him to display his qualities (fruit of the Spirit) in and through me. Likewise, keeping my eyes on Jesus will reveal the path he wants me to mark out and then walk down. Realistically, Jesus is clearing the path through me in the form of discipline.

  • "...He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterward. Now he is seated in the place of highest honor beside God's throne in heaven."

I have to think that he also found joy on the cross knowing that he was paving the way for our salvation. We, however, refuse to die a death to pride when we won't help others find that salvation. He mastered his cross, to many of us apologize for ours or keep it hidden so as not to offend or appear intolerant.

1 comment:

Kyle Cleveland said...

Genius. Thanks for the inspiration. Our spiritual life has to be in check before we minister to others. YAGG.